Is your business or organization struggling to employ enough qualified people? Consider hiring foreign workers to meet your labour force needs. Eligible employers can use the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) Thunder Bay and Area- to recruit a new employee to a priority occupation, or retain a foreign worker they already employ. (NOTE: the […]
Hydro One wants to support growth in northwestern Ontario and energize life for communities and businesses in the region. Energizing life means more than supplying safe and reliable power, it means listening and taking action to meet your needs. The northwest has advocated for an increase in power for many years to support community and […]
Road Map to Simple Safety Solutions: Co-facilitated by Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS) and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB): Learn about simple safety solutions for the workplace, to ensure that everyone returns home safe at the end of the day. We will provide an overview of resources to help you understand the roles and responsibilities […]
For maximum business growth, your marketing plan should be reviewed and rewritten at least once every 6 months, as well as slightly adjusted in between. In this interactive webinar, we will discuss all aspects of a great marketing plan, which includes specifics about your Products or services, Pricing strategy, Place of business, People required, Process (yours and your customers), Physical evidence/environment and Promotion TO REGISTER, […]
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