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Family Night

Atikokan Native Friendship Centre 309 Main Street West, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Christmas Movie Night

Marks Street Hall 227 Marks Street, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

Community Christmas Dinner

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 145 115 O'Brien Street, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Meeting

AEDC Training Room 214 Main Street, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

Is your business or organization struggling to employ enough qualified people?  Consider hiring foreign workers to meet your labour force needs. Eligible employers can use the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) Thunder Bay and Area-  to recruit a new employee to a priority occupation, or retain a foreign worker they already employ. (NOTE: the […]

Hydro One Waasigan Transmission Line Open House

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 145 115 O'Brien Street, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Hydro One wants to support growth in northwestern Ontario and energize life for communities and businesses in the region. Energizing life means more than supplying safe and reliable power, it means listening and taking action to meet your needs. The northwest has advocated for an increase in power for many years to support community and […]

Your Safety and Prevention

Road Map to Simple Safety Solutions: Co-facilitated by Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS) and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB): Learn about simple safety solutions for the workplace, to ensure that everyone returns home safe at the end of the day. We will provide an overview of resources to help you understand the roles and responsibilities […]

Whole Chicken Shoot

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 145 115 O'Brien Street, Atikokan, ON, Canada

7 P’s of Marketing for Best Results

For maximum business growth, your marketing plan should be reviewed and rewritten at least once every 6 months, as well as slightly adjusted in between. In this interactive webinar, we will discuss all aspects of a great marketing plan, which includes specifics about your Products or services, Pricing strategy, Place of business, People required, Process (yours and your customers), Physical evidence/environment and Promotion TO REGISTER, […]

SnoHo Rally

SnoHo Chalet Minnow Pond, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Open House

Marks Street Hall 227 Marks Street, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

Second Annual Big lake Trout Ice Fishing Derby

Eva Lake

Location: Eva Lake ALL MNR Rules Apply Parking can be available on Hwy 633 at public landing, its plowed out there.  You can fish anywhere on Eva including the back Bays or Little Eva. Entry fee is $25 per person.  Have to have entry fee in by the morning or you are not in the […]


Annual Family Fishing Day

Nym Lake Nym Lake, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Atikokan Sportsmen’s Conservation Club welcomes everyone to a FREE Family Fishing Day (which coincides with the Ontario Free Fishing Weekend) Nym Lake Landing February 18th, 2023 10 am till 2 pm Lots of prizes Free Hot dogs, pop & hot chocolate Minnows supplies and holes are drilled.  Just need to bring your fishing line. For […]


Salute to Tami Stinson

AEDC Board Room 214 Main Street, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

Men’s Curling Bonspiel

Community Centre 100 Little Falls Road, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

Emilio’s A Million Chameleons

St. Patrick's School 160 Hemlock Ave, Atikokan, ON, Canada

For the past decade, Adam Proulx has performed, as well as designed and built original puppets for stage and screen projects all over the world. Emilio’s A Million Chameleons is Adam’s newest show and will be sure to delight all audiences!

Teen Challenge

First Baptist Churh 88 Maple Crescent, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

First Baptist Church invites you to join us this Sunday march 5 at 11 am in Welcoming Teen Challenge.  Teen Challenge is a safe place where individuals are able to stay, receive help with their addictions and encouraged in their walk with God.  They are coming to share how they are overcoming their struggles with […]

Niobe Lake Fire Department Auction

Niobe Lake Fire Hall Niobe Lake, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Auction and Yard Sale Event Hamburgers and smokies for sale Cash pay for any item purchase

March Break Public Skating

Atikokan Recreation and Wellness Centre 225 White Street, Atikokan , Ontario, Canada

Michif Language Class (Youth)

Atikokan Native Friendship Centre 309 Main Street West, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Michif language class and meal for youth

Michif Language Class (Adult)

Atikokan Native Friendship Centre 309 Main Street West, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Michif language class and meal for adults

March Break Public Skating

Atikokan Recreation and Wellness Centre 225 White Street, Atikokan , Ontario, Canada

Moccasin Joe Comedy Night

Marks Street Hall 227 Marks Street, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

Comedian Moccasin Joe will be having a comedy show at the Marks Street Hall - 227 Marks Street. Admission is free. Please call 597-1213 to register. There will be a cash canteen.

Sassy and Classy

Atikokan Native Friendship Centre 309 Main Street West, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Female and female identifying gender empowerment group. Open conversations, learning, confidence building and snacks

Luck of the Irish Casino Night

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 145 115 O'Brien Street, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Friday March 24 Registration in Legion Club room from 6-8 pm $5 a person for meeting $25 a person for banquet ticket $12 public Lasagna Dinner at 6pm Meat Draws, etc.   Saturday March 25 District Meeting at Atikokan Fellowship Church- 410 Front Street Registration & Lunch at 11:30-12:30 Meeting at 1 pm Banquet at […]


St. Patrick's School 160 Hemlock Ave, Atikokan, ON, Canada

A Shona word meaning sweet sounds– is a dynamic, six piece ensemble of Zimbabwe music. These unique group of musicians, singers, dancers, and performers expertly weave ancestral rhythms and melodies, conjuring musical magic in their midst. Nhapitapi’s music is a kaleidoscopic journey through space and time. Their sound takes root in the old voices of […]

Teen Cuisine

Atikokan Native Friendship Centre 309 Main Street West, Atikokan, ON, Canada

We will be preparing and cooking a hamburger pie. We will be learning, engaging in conversation and learning to express ourselves in the kitchen. Please call 597-1333 to register.

Wasa-Nabin Movie Night

Atikokan Native Friendship Centre 309 Main Street West, Atikokan, ON, Canada

We will be watching Divergent. Snacks and beverages provided. Please call 597-1333 to register

Easter Food Drive

Atikokan Foodland 110 O'Brien Street, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Atikokan Dart Tournament

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 145 115 O'Brien Street, Atikokan, ON, Canada

April 14th- Blind Doubles- 7pm $10.00 April 15th- Open and Women’s Doubles- 10 am $20.00 each Men;s and Women’s Singles- 2pm ish $20.00

Community Dinner

Atikokan Community Fellowship 410 Front Street, Atikokan, ON, Canada