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Spring Feast

Atikokan Native Friendship Centre 309 Main Street West, Atikokan, ON, Canada

The Atikokan Native Friendship Centre and community agencies present Spring Feast Thursday, June 9, from 3 to 7 pm at the Friendship Gardens, 301 MacKenzie Ave. W. This feast is […]

Atikokan Paint Night – CANCELLED

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 145 115 O'Brien Street, Atikokan, ON, Canada

to order tickets go to


Family- free Family Fishing

License-free periods remind us of the value of Ontario's recreational fishery, and the importance of keeping it healthy for future generations. You must: follow conservation license catch limits obey size […]

Leaders Luncheon with Honourable Patty Hajdu

You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Jun 28, 2022 12:15 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive […]

Painting in the Garden

Atikokan Native Friendship Centre 309 Main Street West, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Come Home Reunion Meet & Greet

Community Centre 100 Little Falls Road, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

Stop in to pick up your information bag and say hello. Bar will be open.

Canada Day Events

Legion Point Park Atikokan, ON, Canada

Come out to Legion Point at Noon for the flag raising, Color Gard, hot dogs, corn roast, cold drinks, cake and entertainment. Restrooms will be available.

Canada Day Dinner

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 145 115 O'Brien Street, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Hamburgers, salads and desserts.

License- free Family Fishing

License-free periods remind us of the value of Ontario's recreational fishery, and the importance of keeping it healthy for future generations. You must: follow conservation license catch limits obey size […]

Down Memory Lane – Exhibit

Atikokan Centennial Museum 204 Main Street E, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Atikokan Centennial Museum has an exhibit to bring you down memory lane.

Atikokan “Come Home” Reunion Dinner

Community Centre 100 Little Falls Road, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

Atikokan 2020 Reunion Dinner Social hour from 4pm to 6pm. Dinner at 6 pm. You need to be registered by May 31, 2022 to take part in the Dinner. When […]

Come Home Reunion Dance

Community Centre 100 Little Falls Road, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

Dance at 9:30 pm with the JB Band. Open to the public. $15.00 at the door for everyone.

Down Memory Lane – Exhibit

Atikokan Centennial Museum 204 Main Street E, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Atikokan Centennial Museum has an exhibit to bring you down memory lane.

Acrylic Painting Class

AEDC Training Room 214 Main Street, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

Candidate & Third-Party Advertisers Information Session

AEDC Training Room 214 Main Street, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

The Town of Atikokan in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is excited to offer an information session for candidates or third party advertisers for the […]

Smart Funding Proposal

Atikokan Recreation and Wellness Centre 225 White Street, Atikokan , Ontario, Canada

Meet and Greet- Kevin Holland

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 145 115 O'Brien Street, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Join us for an informal, meet and greet at the Legion Hall on Thursday, August 4, from 6 to 8 pm. The bar will be open, and we’ll have a […]


Main Street Atikokan, ON, Canada

come on down and help set up the big tent at 3 pm at the pool parking lot

Bouncy Castles

Community Centre 100 Little Falls Road, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

Duck pond, crafts, cupcakes, draws and more.

Snapchat Scavenger Hunt

Atikokan Public Library Civic Centre, Atikokan, ON, Canada

Teams of 2-4, phone and data required at the Library

Artisans’ Tent

Main Street Green Space 106 Main Street West, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

Green space corner of White St. and Main St.

Best Pie Contest

Atikokan Bass Classic "Under the Big Tent" Main Street, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

Bring your best pie to the ABC BIG tent at 1pm


309 Main Street West 309 Main Street West, Atikokan, Ontario

Bass Classic Day One Weigh In

Atikokan Bass Classic "Under the Big Tent" Main Street, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

Under the Big Tent.  Food and beverage vendors, beer gardens.

Bass Classic Day Two Weigh-In

Atikokan Bass Classic "Under the Big Tent" Main Street, Atikokan, Ontario, Canada

Under the Big Tent.  Last in:  Day One's Top Ten Food and beverage vendors, Beer Gardens