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Atikokan Ski Club


Mount Fairweather was carved out of the bush in 1965 and 1966 by brute force, determination, and charity. In the winter of Canada’s Centennial, Mount Fairweather fired up the T-Bar and rope tows and welcomed the first skiers.  The years since have produced regional champions, nationally sponsored racers, and even a member of the Canadian World Cup team, Ms. Lydia Kutra. Lydia has been honoured by having our signature run named in her memory: the Lydia Kutra Challenger. Atikokan’s indomitable spirit made Mount Fairweather a reality in 1967 and that giving spirit has persevered though many hard times since. Through 40 wonderful years Mount Fairweather has remained a quality venue for the people of our area to enjoy the wonder winter sports of skiing and snowboarding.  A new addition in 2007 is the Fairweather Terrain Park (FTP for short). Riders can test their skill on rails, jumps and other challenging obstacles.  Atikokan can be proud to call Mount Fairweather its home to skiing and snowboarding.

Some Fairweather statistics of note:
Location: 9 km north of Atikokan, Ontario (See Directions Map)
Number of Name Runs: 12 (See Trail Map)
Number of Lifts: 2
Vertical Rise: 106 m
Number of Smiles: Millions!
Chalet Services: Cafeteria, sun deck, restrooms, miscellaneous demo equipment, friendly and cozy atmosphere.

Mount Fairweather is open weekends and holidays from Late December to Late March (or longer, depending on the gifts from Mother Nature).

See you at the ‘Fair!