Atikokan Economic Development Corporation
The Atikokan Economic Development Corporation is always available for your questions and/or comments. Please direct your questions to the most appropriate officer in order to ensure a more expedient and accurate response.
AEDC Staff: Garry McKinnon, Alex Bakal, Melanie Hachey & Teri Cain
AEC Staff: Brad Beyak, Cindy Geurts,Denine Andrews & Raven Barr
Tourism Atikokan:
Heart of the Continent (Partnership): Chris Stromberg
214 Main Street West
PO Box 218
Atikokan, Ontario
P0T 1C0
Phone: (807) 597-2757
Toll-Free: 1-888-334-2332
Fax: (807) 290-0015
Business Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm, Monday to Friday
Garry McKinnon, B.Comm
Alex Bakal
Business planning and counseling, loan disbursal and compliance, CED projects, tourism marketing and promotion, liaison with community groups and organizations.
Melanie Hachey
Contract administration, financial record keeping, bookkeeping, loans administration, benefits administration, recording of official minutes.
Teri Cain
Reception and customer relations, banking, correspondence, record keeping, community information.